Saipan Style
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Life on Saipan… the small town feel, the amazing sunsets, the feeling of being in Asia yet still being on United States soil… There’s no other place quite like Saipan in the world. It’s unfortunate that it is so off of the beaten path that chances are slim any given person will ever make it to the island, and for those who do, chances are even slimmer still that they will ever return someday.… Read more

Suicide Cliff and Banzai Cliff
Suicide Cliff and Banzai Cliff avatar

When American forces initiated the invasion of Saipan on the 15th of June 1944, it was the World War II Pacific theater’s version of the D-Day invasion of Normandy in Europe and was equally important to the Allied war effort.

Saipan represented the first Japanese “homeland” territory under threat in the Pacific, and the fall of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands chain would result in Tokyo being within B29 bombing range.… Read more

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One hundred and twenty miles north of Guam lies Saipan (サイパン島), the main island in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Wrestled from Japan during WWII, now as part of the CNMI, Saipan remains an overseas U.S. territory and – along with Guam – the westernmost in the world.… Read more